80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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Following on from the PIN published on the 7th September, CITB have delayed the launch webinar that was planned for the 14th September. The rescheduled webinar will now take place on Wednesday 21st September at 9am. Please use the link below to join the rescheduled webinar: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N2JjNjE4NDItZTc0ZS00ZTZlLWFiMWUtZTdjZjZmMDllZDAw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22e32fcdb1-bebe-44eb-be1c-ef4700387163%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%2269bda40a-de6f-4959-99dc-188f3e13fd53%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%2C%22role%22%3A%22a%22%7D&btype=a&role=a
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