72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Detailed information about the contract
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TfL wishes to invite potential suppliers to help shape how it might define, procure and contract for a SITS Predictive System. The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to notify the market of TfL's intention to carry out early market engagement to assess the current market capabilities and appetite for the requirement, and to provide details of how the early market engagement process is to be conducted. TfL, at any time through this market engagement process and, at its sole discretion, may enter into discussions with respondents to this PIN. Feedback from respondents will assist TfL in understanding the current supply market considerations for the SITS Predictive System and inform the continued development of the procurement strategy for any potential future contract(s). Suppliers wishing to participate in this market engagement process and view all associated documents including the Market Brochure and Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) should send an email to PredictiveCapability@tfl.gov.uk to express interest and provide appropriate contact details. TfL reserves the right to make changes to this advertisement without notice and without reason at any time.
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