85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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This service relates to the provision of a Community Dermatology Service. The expected outcomes required of the service are specified below: • Efficient outpatient service to be delivered for general dermatology cases to result in a reduction in patients being seen in secondary care. • Timely access to assessment and treatment for those patients with skin conditions who can be managed in the community with fewer patients waiting to be seen. • Workforce is trained and supported sufficiently to deliver a quality service, including a supported primary care workforce. • Patient experience of the service will be very good. • Community service is delivered in a safe manner and adheres to all quality standards. • Community Service is delivered in a cost-effective manner. Aims: • To provide patients with equitable access to a community-based, dermatology service that gives timely advice, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for their skin condition. • To improve patients knowledge and ability to self-care, including through the promotion of skin health and prevention of disease.
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