24111600: Hydrogen
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HSE would like to procure three deliveries of liquid hydrogen in late summer and autumn of 2023. A quantity of 2.5 tonnes would be required for each delivery. HSE would need to retain the supply tanker for a period of two weeks after each delivery to connect to HSE's equipment. HSE S&RC has experience of handling such tankers from two previous research campaigns including the EU PresLHy project, and the tanker would be stored on a secure site. Some of the previous work which shows HSE's setup was published in HSE RR986 - Releases of unignited liquid hydrogen, M Royle and D Willoughby, 2014 HSE is seeking to understand the potential cost and implications of this supply. Suppliers should email tenders@hse.gov.uk, quoting HSE/T4292, with any questions and costs associated with supplying the above.
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