98110000: Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
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Alternative Venues London (AVL) is the name of the commercial lettings department which hires out Reserve Centres and Cadet units for non-military purposes. Within Greater London there are 46 Reserve Forces Centres and 70 Cadet units available for hire, for up to seven days a week and most have secure parking. Meetings and conferences can be for as few as ten to as many as 150. Dinner dances for 200 are possible in some locations. A key role is the provision of training facilities – both educational and physical – and Drill Halls lend themselves perfectly to this requirement. We have also provided locations for weddings, receptions, examinations, theatre and film rehearsals, product launches, exhibitions, auctions and fashion shows complete with catwalk. Income generated from this rental activity is reinvested into supporting London's Reserves and Cadets. We wish to engage with organisations who may provide lettings services similar to those currently being provided by Alternate Venues London (AVL). Please visit www.alternativevenues.co.uk for more information. If you provide services similar to those currently provided by AVL, please email co-commercialteam@rfca.mod.uk with 'GL Alt Venue' in the subject line. We will be holding the following supplier engagement sessions via Zoom to provide further information on who we are and the provision of Alternate Venues lettings service. This sessions are open to all interested parties and will be held as follows: Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 Time: 11:30 - 12:30 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89646151460?pwd=SEtYNStTNS9KNFBpWHBOdFpJaGJ6QT09 Meeting ID: 896 4615 1460 Passcode: 291764 Thursday,12 Oct 2023 Time: 10:00 - 11:00 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89021582240?pwd=dEM1NUwvcXViV0lrckpidjY4WGc3dz09 Meeting ID: 890 2158 2240 Passcode: 063999 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcLTEgcgfc
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