50000000: Repair and maintenance services
Detailed information about the contract
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Specialist Explosive Ordinance Demolition, Exploitation & Countermeasures (SEEC) Delivery Team (DT) are considering letting a new in-service support contract for its suite of Hazardous Environmental Search Equipment (HESE), which is made up of x18 kits. Each kit may include (may be subject to change), but is not limited to, the below: Lifting Equipment (Must be able to provide LOLA compliant servicing and certification) Hazardous Environment PPE Breathing Apparatus Resuscitators (Refilling of Pharmaceutical Grade O2) Luno Communications System Gas Monitor Detection Lighting Ropes The contract may include but not limited to spares provision, additional purchases, repairs services, safety and environmental management, obsolescence management and technical support. The contract is expected to have a duration of five years with x2, 1 year options to extend. The estimated value of this contract including option years is approximately £4.5M. Estimated timeframe is to issue DPQQ is December 2023. Please see 'Additional Information' section for early market engagement details. In issuing this PIN, The Authority is not committing to commence with any procurement in relation to the requirements stated in this PIN. Additional information: Early Market Engagement The Authority is interested in understanding the capabilities in the market to help inform the development of the requirements. Early Market Engagement will be conducted in two parts: Supplier Briefs Please provide a brief of up to 750 words detailing your support solutions along with a price list and any potential risk/ issues that the Authority should consider. Your brief should be addressed to Maia.Harris135@mod.gov.uk. Please provide your brief no later than 20 October 2023. As a minimum, your brief should address the following aspects: Questions:
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