85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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Norfolk County Council's Public Health department are seeking to create a Light Touch Regime Framework Agreement for providers of services supporting Healthy Lifestyles. This Light Touch Regime Framework Agreement will be let under Regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Light Touch Regime), under which the Council has flexibility as to the process or procedure to be used when purchasing certain services, of which health services is one. In this instance, the Council is establishing a Framework Agreement with multiple suppliers that will set out the terms and conditions for making specific purchases (call-offs). The Framework Agreement differs from those let under the non-Light Touch Regime in that the Council, exercising its flexibility, may periodically open the framework for new applicants and may periodically add new lots to the framework agreement that are relevant to the scope of the framework agreement. It is the Council's intention that new providers will be able to join at certain intervals. It is the Council's intention that the Light Touch Regime Framework will be open for further applications at least once per year for the life of the framework. The Council reserves the right, however, not to open the framework for new applications if it deems this appropriate. If the Council decides to open the Light Touch Regime Framework to new applicants, it will do so on the same terms and conditions and on the same criteria as stated in this Invitation to Tender, unless the Council deems that amendments are required as a result of changes in the market or changes within the Council.
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