85320000: Social services
Detailed information about the contract
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Hammersmith & Fulham are preparing to launch a procurement exercise to tender for contracts in line with the aims and deliverables within the draft Early Intervention Strategy. These contracts sit across the Early Help and Early Years services. To find out more about these upcoming opportunities, please join us for this market engagement session. Tickets can be found at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hammersmith-fulham-early-intervention-procurement-tickets-423400130187 If you have any questions, please contact Hannah.Parrott@lbhf.gov.uk The procurement will be formed of multiple contracts separated into 4 Lots - Lot 1: Youth Provision, Lot 2: Volunteer Family Support, Lot 3: Virtual Reality Software, Lot 4: Child and Family Support Within Lots 1 and 4, tenders are permitted to tender through a consortium approach or through a sub-contracting arrangement with a Lead Provider, demonstrating all aspects of the specification can be satisfied through the chosen arrangement. Further detail will be available within the Invitation to Tender once published.
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