85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS Frimley ICB invites you to join us in shaping a new approach to the way we commissioning Nursing Home services in East Berkshire. We want to deliver better outcomes for the ICS, for our care providers and for the individuals in receipt of care through a standardised service specification and procurement process. Over the coming months we will work with our care providers and other local partners to co-develop a service specification for a Nursing Home Any Qualified Provider (AQP) contract. Following the specification development, we will run a procurement process. For more information and to ensure you receive updates and invitations to events, please join our mailing list. To join the mailing list, please email the team at: EastBerkshire.NursingHomeAQP@evalucom.co.uk including your name, your role and details of your nursing home organisation. NHS Frimley ICB have commissioned Evalucom to work with us to implement the Nursing Home AQP.
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