85320000: Social services
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Westminster City Council (WCC) and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) are holding a market engagement event to meet with suppliers to discuss future service delivery models for Older Peoples Day Opportunities.
The key aims of the market engagement exercise are to share findings from resident engagement activity, provide an update on the service landscape and most importantly listen to the provider market vision for Older Peoples Day Opportunities Service. Giving providers an opportunity to influence future service delivery model.
Older people day opportunity services revolve around stimulating physical and cognitive wellbeing, and deterring loneliness. Service provision can include supporting with nutritional needs and supporting practical and personal care needs. All activities should help prevent both physical and cognitive ill health and Day opportunity services have to date included day centers, hubs and outreach services designed to support adults through a range of purposeful activities outside their own home, services that seek to increase residents' independence and confidence within their own community, as well as enabling respite for unpaid carers.
Providers with experience of delivering these types of services are invited to attend a supplier engagement event on Thursday 11th November 2021 – 9:30am to 11:30am via TEAMS invite. Kindly register your expression of interest via pqqWCC1715 - Day Opportunities - Market Engagement by 5pm, 9th November 2021.
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