72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
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This PIN is issued by Transport for London (TfL) and seeks to inform the market of a Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) that has been issued by TfL. The MSQ seeks to obtain market feedback in relation to opportunities regarding a TfL Safety Health and Environment (SHE Systems) software platform. Its primary focus is to better understand the market offering and appetite, to explore areas that will shape TfL’s procurement strategy for future SHE systems and to understand perceived risks and opportunities. TfL would like those parties that may be interested in such an exercise to identify themselves and express their interest as well as to respond to the MSQ. Please note that to do so (and in order to access future tender exercises published by TfL), organisations will need to register as a supplier via the following link: https://procontract.due-north.com/Register Any party that is already registered should log onto TfL's e-procurement portal and express their interest. Following this they will be able to download the Brochure (containing background information) and the MSQ which are both immediately available and include additional details about submission arrangements and response deadlines. https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=fe538b9d-c430-ec11-810e-005056b64545 TfL is looking to hold a ‘Supplier Day’ via a Microsoft Teams meeting to present the Early Market Engagement (EME) process, timelines, and next steps. The proposed date for the Supplier Day will be in November 2021 and confirmed soon after the EME process has begun. More information can be found in II.2.4.
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