80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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THIS IS A SOFT MARKET TESTING EXERCISE ONLY. THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION. Interested parties are invited to respond to this soft market testing exercise. The responses will inform a subsequent procurement for these services. Further details appear in the SMT Questionnaire and Specification available from www.eastmidstenders.org The deadline for responses is noon 17th October 2022. Responses must be submitted via ProContract www.eastmidstenders.org A contract notice will be published for any subsequent procurement. Subject to Council approval, its anticipated the procurement will be launched in November, awarded by February/March 2023 and the contract is due to commence 1st August 2023 Its anticipated that the initial contract term will be for a period of three years with an option to extend for a further two years making a maximum contract term of up to five years. Responding to this SMT will not confer any advantage or disadvantage on any respondents in any subsequent procurement. All responses will be treated in confidence.
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