80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is an executive agency of the Department for Education which is required to deliver statutory National Curriculum Assessments (NCAs), including Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessments. The Test Operations Service project has been launched to seek a Supplier to deliver NCAs on behalf of the STA in England only from the 2025-26 test cycle onwards when the current contract expires. The purpose of this notice is to notify the market of the STA’s intention to undertake pre-procurement market engagement prior to commencing procurement activity to appoint a suitably qualified Supplier to deliver the Test Operations Service. The Market Engagement Event will consist of an online presentation delivered by the STA, detailing its high-level requirements, and explaining how potential Suppliers may ready themselves for any procurement process that may follow. Information will also be available on the procurement process and timetable, with an open Q&A session for Suppliers to raise any questions. This will be held online on 22 November 2021 at 11:00-12:30. Following the online presentation, STA is proposing to hold follow up 1:1 sessions with interested Suppliers on weeks commencing 29 November and 6 December 2021. This will provide further opportunity for dialogue with potential Suppliers regarding the requirements, and for Suppliers to meet key members of the project team. 1:1 sessions will be available to book following the presentation. If you would like to attend the Market Engagement Event, please register an expression of interest on the Jaggaer e-sourcing platform at https://education.app.jaggaer.com/web/login.html and follow the “View Opportunities” link. Suppliers will then need to access the Test Operations Services Market Engagement Event (ssq_175 – Test Operations Service Market Engagement Event) and respond to the question contained in the qualification envelope within the opportunity listing. This must be completed by 12:00 on 18 November 2021 via the Jaggaer e-sourcing portal. Please note that by attending this session you consent for it to be recorded and made available on the Jaggaer platform.
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