09000000: Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy
Detailed information about the contract
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CHIC publishes this Notice of an Amendment to be made to the DPS in pursuance of the original Notice 2017/S 131-267580 published in OJEU on the 10th July 2017. All other details relating to this DPS remain unchanged. The change comprises extending the coverage nationally and validity period with a further 60-months extension option, reviewed at 12 month increments whereby the authority can amend (extend, shorten, terminate or re-procure) the DPS. This DPS remains accessible by members of CHIC to all UK public-sector bodies (potential members) including (but not limited to): • Housing Associations • Local Authorities and Government Departments • Registered Charities • NHS and Health and Social Care Groups • Emergency Services • Schools and Academies/Colleges and Universities • Libraries and Museums , including those listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015/102.
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