Audit and Block Management Services

79212100: Financial auditing services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

BBI - P-2035
Audit and Block Management Services

Overview Prior Information Notice to inform the market of the intention to undertake a procurement exercise for the appointment of Audit and Block Management Services. Introduction The British Business Bank plc (“BBB”) is an economic development bank which is 100% owned and funded by the UK Government. Established on 1 November 2014, the BBB’s mission is to drive sustainable growth and prosperity across the UK, and to enable the transition to a net zero economy, by supporting access to finance for smaller businesses. BBB brings together expertise and funding to support economic growth by improving the UK’s business finance markets. BBB invests or administers Government funding alongside or through private sector partners and uses targeted guarantees and funding options to encourage more private sector lending and investment. British Business Investments Limited (“BBI”) is part of the BBB’s commercial arm. BBI is a wholly owned subsidiaries of BBB. In support of the delivery of its programmes, BBI are issuing this Prior Information Notice (“PIN”) to inform the market of their intention to undertake a procurement exercise for the appointment of Audit and Block Management Services. Further details about the BBI and the Programmes is available at Contract Overview BBI will use the Contract to provide Audit and Block Management Services to Conduct audits of prospective investment counterparties to assess their operational suitability for financing facilities (including block discounting or other forms of receivables financing) and submitting comprehensive reports to British Business Investments (BBI) to support BBI’s normal internal due diligence and facility approval process. . Procurement Process The opportunity to participate in the Contract will be published on both Contracts Finder and the Find a Tender Service, with the procurement being conducted via the Delta e-tendering platform, for which registration is free – Enter Details | Delta ( It is the intention of BBI to publish this opportunity in mid to late October and this PIN will be utilised as a means to reduce the timescales associated when conducting the procurement. The Contract will be in place for a period of upto 5 years and will be non-exclusive and non-committal. As such, the values outlined are anticipated only.

British Business Bank
Date Published
79212100: Financial auditing services
£800.0K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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