ENGAGEMENT - Developing the workforce in Health and Justice: Provider perspectives

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Proc Consultancy HJ Toolkit
ENGAGEMENT - Developing the workforce in Health and Justice: Provider perspectives

NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Procurement Team (Consultancy Services) is working on behalf of NHS England, Health and Justice, national Inclusive Workforce Programme, to develop a toolkit for Health and Justice commissioning in relation to their mission statement of: "How can we improve the recruitment and retention of a larger, more diverse, inclusive and representative workforce for all Health & Justice services and programmes?" We are seeking your opinions as part of a project to compile a toolkit for commissioners to facilitate provider workforce development, via their commissioning and procurement processes. Your responses to this survey will provide valuable, in-project, feedback to allow the continual improvement of our services and how we support your project(s). We would also like to invite you to a FREE virtual seminar regarding barriers to bidding for / winning contracts with NHSE, including an overview of the proposed new legal regime for NHS service procurement. Your details will be added to a database, and you will be contacted again when this is scheduled (currently proposed for January 2023, however this is subject to change). This engagement is taking place via completion of a form on Microsoft Forms. Your responses and data will be held and processed by NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGEM), for the named project but may be used across the procurement function or other NHS England (NHSE) commissioning functions. Your responses will NOT be anonymous, as it's important for us to be able to analyse the type of organisation or viewpoint feedback is coming from. There are no right or wrong answers. Any information you provide will be used to further investigate the topic, and then to ultimately compile a commissioning toolkit for health and justice. If you have any queries, please contact Camilla Ball, Acting Associate Director for Procurement - Consultancy Services via email to agem.procurementconsultancy@nhs.net, or for any issues requiring escalation please contact Lisa Briggs, Head of procurement, provider and workforce development, lisa.briggs6@nhs.net. Please note that your responses attached to your organisation's details may be used to create an audit trail of decision making, as rationale for any decision making, and / or releasable under any Freedom of Information (FOI) request. We kindly ask that you provide your organisation's details when responding to this survey so that the data analysis can take account of the market's composition. The Microsoft Form to submit your views and feedback is at the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/fgGd6dK2Qx The deadline to submit your completed form is 5pm 14th October 2022. You can submit more than one form, but you are not able to edit what you may have already submitted. If you think of further information you would like to share please just submit a new form. Responding to this advert, registering to take part in this engagement or registering your interest for the virtual event does not commit any Provider to taking part in any procurement process or count as a formal expression of interest for any opportunity. This advert also does not commit the Commissioners to continuing this project and / or publishing any procurement or tendering process(es). This advert is also available on Contracts Finder, with a downloadable flyer: https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/8bab5439-f4fb-4aae-95d4-063eaf616104

Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
£1 GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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