Arwain Mewn Gwlad Ddwyieithog / Leading in a Bilingual Country
79951000: Seminar organisation services
Contract details
Detailed information about the contract
- Id
- ocds-h6vhtk-04966b
- Title
- Arwain Mewn Gwlad Ddwyieithog / Leading in a Bilingual Country
- Description
Mae Arwain Mewn Gwlad Ddwyieithog (AMGDd) yn rhaglen ddatblygu i uwch arweinwyr greu diwylliant sefydliadol y mae modd i’r Gymraeg ffynnu ynddo. Rydym ni (Llywodraeth Cymru) am ddatblygu'r rhaglen ymhellach fydd yn edrych ar:
- Ragfarn anymwybodol - deall sut gall rhagfarn sy’n gynhenid mewn pobl a sefydliadau atal y Gymraeg rhag symud ymlaen. Sut y gall deall deinameg grŵp a safbwyntiau amrywiol ynghylch y pwnc fynd i'r afael â hyn.
- Empathi - sut mae arweinwyr yn archwilio ac yn diogelu'r cyfle i wrando ar farn a phrofiadau pobl o'r Gymraeg er mwyn datblygu cyd-ddealltwriaeth.
- Defnyddio cyfathrebu effeithiol sy'n seiliedig ar seicoleg gadarnhaol a chymdeithasol - h.y. wedi’i seilio’n fwy ar gryfderau, balchder, ysbrydoli a chynwysoldeb.
- Rôl arweinyddiaeth - i greu'r amodau cywir ar gyfer dechrau gwneud newidiadau cadarnhaol trwy gamau bach a dathlu enillion.
Leading in a Bilingual Country is a development programme for senior leaders to create an organisational culture in which the Welsh language can flourish. We (Welsh Government) seek to further develop the programme that looks at:
- Unconscious bias—understanding how inherent bias in people and organisations can inhibit moving Cymraeg forward and how an understanding of group dynamics and actively seeking diverse views around the topic can address this.
- Empathy—how leaders explore and protect the opportunity to listen to others’ opinions and experiences of Cymraeg to develop mutual understanding.
- Using effective communication that is based in positive and social psychology—i.e., more strengths-based, proud, inspiring, and inclusive.
- Role of leadership—to create the right conditions to begin making positive changes through small steps and celebrating small wins.
- Buyer
- Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
- Date Published
- Unknown
- Status
- Planned
- Classification
- 79951000: Seminar organisation services
- Value
- £382.5K GBP
- Procurement Method
- ""
- Procurement Method Details
- Unknown
- Tender Deadline
- Unknown
- Contract Start Date
- 2025-01-23
- Contract End Date
- 2025-01-23
- Suitable For Sme
- false
- Suitable For Vcse
- false
- Documents
- No documents found.