80000000: Education and training services
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The DfE has previously published its commitments to Further Education (FE) providers (which includes charitable FE providers and 6th Form College Corporations) in the Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth White Paper. The White Paper can be accessed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/skills-for-jobs-lifelong-learning-for-opportunity-and-growth.
The DfE also previously issued an Early Supplier Engagement (ESE) notice regarding the delivery of training and professional development to the FE sector. The notice was published on Find a Tender service, publication reference: www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/009051-2022?origin=SearchResults&p=1.
Following the ESE and a review of policy requirements, the DfE intends to secure a supplier to deliver a programme of continuous professional development to support effective leadership and governance within the FE sector. Key outcomes of the programme will be to strengthen leadership and governance capacity and capability; equip FE governors, governance professionals and current/aspiring executive leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully lead their corporations and colleges at a time of change; support the growth of a diverse leadership pipeline and aid the development of a self-improving sector.
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