Market Engagement for Provision of Special Needs School Therapies Services in Wandsworth on behalf of NHS South West London Integrated Care Board

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Market Engagement for Provision of Special Needs School Therapies Services (SAP Ariba Doc1633119195)
Market Engagement for Provision of Special Needs School Therapies Services in Wandsworth on behalf of NHS South West London Integrated Care Board

NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (SWL ICB) is currently developing their service specifications and contracting process for the Provision of Special Needs School Therapies Services within the London Borough of Wandsworth. The SWL ICB is seeking to appoint a provider/s of therapy services to Wandsworth children and young people attending Special Needs schools who require occupational therapy, physiotherapy or speech and language therapy within specified Service Level Agreements. Provision for children attending Special Needs who do not have a Wandsworth GP will be provided only where prior agreement has been made with Wandsworth Locality to do so, unless they are from SW London ICB area then the provision is extended to them. This market engagement exercise seeks the views and opinions of those organisations that may be interested in delivering the Services. The scope of this market engagement relates to the ICB's intention to establish a contract for up to 3 years (plus an option to extend by up to a further 24 months) with an indicative contract value of £1,759,593 per annum the services cover 4 Special Schools in total and greater detail is provided within the draft service specification. This exercise and any subsequent responses are in no way legally binding on any party. Participation in the engagement exercise is not a mandatory requirement for participating in any potential future procurement; however, responses received will assist to inform the Contracting Authority as to the level of interest from the market and will be used to evidence a decision as to whether or not to undertake a competitive procurement. The Market Engagement Questionnaire and current Service Specifications can be downloaded from SAP Ariba Portal at the below link: Please return your completed MEQ through the Portal no later than 4pm on 11th October 2023

NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
Date Published
85100000: Health services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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