30100000: Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture
Detailed information about the contract
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Overview Statement Trinity Multi Academy Trust (TMAT) is an education provider for young people from the ages of 3-19. Its sites consist of 10 academies and 1 head office (as of September 2023). TMAT has a requirement for the provisions of multifunctional devices (MFDs) and associated services and supplies. TMAT is seeking to tender for the provisions of multifunctional devices (MFDs) and associated services and supplies, which will cover the duration of the contract term. This expression of interest (EOI) is to identify interest parties and suppliers to take part in the Tender which will is planned to launch 21st October 2023 (subject to change) Deployment Locations Details of the specification requirements and volume of devices required will be issued with the Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents. The initial devices and services will be rolled out across the following locations in a phased approach (by site); • Trinity Sixth Form Academy • Trinity Academy Bradford (Secondary School) • Trinity Academy Cathedral (Secondary School) • Trinity Academy Leeds (Secondary School) • Trinity Academy St Edward's (Secondary School) • Trinity Academy Halifax (Secondary School) • Trinity Academy St Chad's (Primary School) Contract terms and key dates • Contract term - 3 years (with option to extend for a further 1 year) • Estimated Contract Value (over full contract term - £430,000) • ITT Planned Launch - 21st October 2023 (subject to change) • Procedure type - Open • EOI Responses requested - 6th October 2023 (15:00) Responses If you wish to receive a direct notification when this opportunity goes live and invitation to the Invitation to Tender (ITT), please respond via the method below and state who to send the ITT to when it is launched. To Respond to this EOI and register your interest please could you confirm by email to procurement@trinitymat.org by the 6th of October 2023 (15:00). The ITT and tender process will be issued and carried out using the 'In-Tend' e-Tendering portal. Suppliers wishing to participate can register on their portal in advance via the following link https://in-tendhost.co.uk/educationportal/aspx/Registration
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