22112000: Textbooks
Detailed information about the contract
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Library Services (comprising the Supreme Courts Library Service and Sheriff Courts Library Service, hereafter referred to as LS) procure a significant number of legal textbooks from various publishers and suppliers for use by the judiciary and staff at multiple locations. These legal textbooks are typically added to the library collections across these sites, with exceptions for personal use by departments or individuals, primarily within the judiciary. Currently, LS operate under different agreements with various suppliers, which vary between the two branches. The purpose of this PIN is to investigate solutions that rationalise the various agreements Library Services has for legal textbooks and allow for an efficient and streamlined ordering process. Please find attached Request for Information (RFI) document for further details on our requirement, procurement exercise and questions we have for suppliers. We would be grateful if suppliers could complete and return the RFI to dchawla@scotcourts.gov.uk. The information received will be used in the planning and conduct of the procurement procedure.
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