72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Detailed information about the contract
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Following recommendations from the Grenfell Inquiry, the Fire Sector are seeking a supplier to provide connections to the Multi Agency Incident Transfer (MAIT) hub, with a messaging solution to allow the sharing of critical incident information between blue light control rooms and other agencies. The resultant contract shall provide for both replacement and new installations of MAIT hub and spoke solutions for all 33 English Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) Control Rooms. Potential suppliers will be expected to have knowledge of the MAIT protocols and either have developed, or be developing, potential MAIT solutions for Emergency Services. Please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-standards-for-government/multi-agency-incident-transfer for further information. Kent Fire and Rescue are acting as the lead Authority on behalf of the sector, and the Commercial Model is still to be determined, and will be finalised following Supplier Engagement. This Prior Information Notice is a call for interest from potential suppliers. The sector intends to hold a Supplier Engagement Day w/c 6th December, with further details to follow. The proposed publication date for the tender shall be February 2022. Please visit the Kent Business Portal www.kentbusinessportal.org in order to express an interest in this opportunity, and obtain further information on the Supplier Engagement Day in due course.
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