72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
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NHS Scotland is exploring options for introducing a National Contractor Management System (NCMS). This soft market test is being conducted to determine what solutions may be available, determine the scope of any future procurement to enable the delivery of NHS Scotland’s estates and property maintenance and capital services to a high quality standard and to ascertain indicative costs. NHS Scotland’s strategy for the future is that provision of contractor management will take the form of a data base covering all trades and specialist services normally procured through external contractors. The existing services within the Health Boards currently employ this from many vendors. As a consequence, current procurement routes exhibit high degrees of variability in terms of NHS requirements, competencies and performance. Changes in NHS Guidance, changing organisational structures, changes in competency assurance and the focus on infection prevention and control are drivers for the introduction of information management solutions with functionality to enable incremental change from the current state and meets the requirements of the future providing compliance assurance for the organisation.
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