85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Lot 1 Family Hubs: Core & Family Support: includes delivery of universal & targeted support, advice & activities for children & families & the delivery of family support, with a focus on targeting vulnerable families & contributing to the priority outcomes. Delivery must be at 13 specific sites in Calderdale, and at community venues & as outreach, as well as delivering virtual & digital provisions. Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care: the provider must deliver the service as part of a wider Family Hubs offer, offering early education & childcare in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory Framework. The successful provider must deliver, 326 registered day care places across 9 established day care locations, delivering services within the Family Hubs within each location. The provider must ensure each Day Care setting is registered with Ofsted. The same provider can bid for either or both Lots and details will be provided in the tender documents of how to indicate Lot preference.
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