90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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Kirklees Council has issued this Prior Information Notice (PIN) to raise awareness of a future contract opportunity for Waste Management and to give interested parties the option to participate in a further market engagement exercise prior to the commencement of a procurement process under the Procurement Act 2023. The required Waste Management services are to operate and maintain the Councils existing facilities that are due to be handed back when the existing PFI contract expires. The facilities have a good track record of performance and have been well maintained by the incumbent contractor. Kirklees Council requires a solution for residual waste treatment and recycling of waste collected from kerbside domestic rounds, including bulky items, a trade waste service, HWRCs and street litter, all collection services are operated in-house by Kirklees Council. The new contracted Waste Management solution(s) must be flexible to adapt to currently uncertain future changes in legislation that will have an impact on tonnages, waste composition, calorific value and types of material to be recycled.
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