85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is a prior information notice to give advance notification to potential suppliers that may be interested in discussing with the Commissioners the requirements of the service and applying for this future contract opportunity. LBTH has developed a new day opportunities model that moves away from a traditional nine to five solely building based service. The focus is on supporting independence, confidence and personalisation. The strength and reablement approach supports service users to overcome perceived barriers and to more actively participate in the community, accessing universal and open access activities while also accommodating those with higher needs. The service will be aimed at those with long term conditions, physical and sensory disabilities but also open to those service users with coexisting mental health needs and also to those with mild learning disabilities and autism following a Care Act 2014 assessment. The approach to care is that of a tiered approach, providing the kind of routine and predictability those with high needs have told us they need, but also allowing for more flexible approaches for those with low or medium needs to spend their time in the community or at centre-based activities. The winning bidder will be issued with the sublease for a building that will serve as the base for the service. Please note this is a prior information notice only. A bidders’ event will be held on 19 November 2021, at 11am To join the event please use the link below Click here to join the meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDVkOWY3MzctZTA0YS00YzY2LTlmMDktN2I3Y2ZiYzRlNDE1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%223c0aec87-f983-418f-b3dc-d35db83fb5d2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226d0d14b0-37db-4f56-b2b1-c3247eb50855%22%7d Please confirm you will be attending the event either through the Portal or by sending an email to Jay.Bains@towerhamlets.gov.uk by 12 noon on 17 November 2021 quoting Community Day opportunities HAC5760 Additional Information: Organisations wishing to express their interest are requested to register on the London Tenders Portal (www.londontenders.org) where the documentation will be available for download in the future. Additional Information: The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) is seeking expressions of interest from interested organisations for the above services and / or goods. Organisations wishing to express their interest are requested to register on the London Tenders Portal (www.londontenders.org) where the opportunity documentation will be available for download. You will be required to complete an online questionnaire. Organisations must ensure that access to the system is available to their representatives dealing with the contract and that this contact is updated as and when required. The council will not be liable for the lack of delegated access within the organisation and will not send any documentation regarding the opportunity, which shall be exclusively available through the portal. Suppliers are responsible for allowing sufficient time to submit their Application. The Council accepts no liability whatsoever for tenders that are not submitted due to internet connectivity issues, transmission delays or errors. Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer and a supporter of Ethical Governance, our protocol can be found HERE Or via http://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/ If you require any further information prior to submit and expression of interest, please contact the Council via email procurement@towerhamlets.gov.uk quoting the contract internal reference number.
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