All Age Integrated Health and Well-being service
Prior Information Notice
Short Description
A Meet the Buyer's Webinar event has been scheduled for the All Age Integrated Health and Well-being service as the council would like to share the upcoming plans for this procurement. It is intended (pending political approval) that the service will be procured next financial year with a contract start date of 1st December 2022. This is not an invitation to tender.
Newham has a very diverse population characterised by widespread health inequalities resulting from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other long term conditions. Areas of deprivation within the borough have higher rates of overweight/obese and physically inactive residents.
The ambition is to offer a portfolio of services to support weight management, physical activity, smoking cessation and mental wellbeing in a seamless, single point of access delivery model.
Some of the outcomes to be delivered will include:
- Reduction in the prevalence of adult obesity in Newham
- Reduction in the prevalence of smoking among adults in Newham
- Increasing the proportion of adults achieving the recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetable
- Sustained increased in physical activity levels among inactive or partially active residents
- Increasing overall community capacity for healthy living to help support long-term behaviour change and the council's strategic vision around community wealth building
- Assessing the impact of the behavioural change on the level of preventable illness in Newham and associated costs to the health and social care system
We are inviting individual organisations, partnerships or consortia to attend this Meet the Buyer's Event. Service Commissioners will provide a webinar to update the market. Details of organisations attending the Events will be shared with everyone attending as well as published with Invitation to Tender documents. This is to allow organisations an opportunity to network and/or form partnerships in order to provide the Council's Healthy Lifestyles and associated services.
Organisations will also be given the opportunity to ask commissioners questions. If organisations have any immediate questions then please contact Madalina Pop (details below) and the commissioners can address this at the Event. All questions and answers will be shared with attendees of the event.
Estimated Value
Description of the procurement:
Details are TBC pending political approval. However, the Council intends the contract to commence around 1st December 2022 and is considering a four year contract with extensions of up to six additional years (4+2+2+2). It is anticipated that the tender will be published by early March 2022 through
You are invited to attend a Meet the Buyer webinar event, details below:
• Tuesday 23rd November 2021 12 pm - 13:30 pm
• Please complete the registration form and return to Madalina Pop at by 5 pm Friday 19th November 2021
The event will be hosted on MS Teams and we would also encourage attendees to register via Eventbrite: