44400000: Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice (PIN), without call for competition, is to alert the market and all interested Suppliers to a Contract Opportunity which will be conducted through the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) and to seek engagement in relation to the Supply of Early Legacy 3m3 Boxes, which are containers used for nuclear material processing and storage.
Please note: Use of the DPS as a route to market is subject to an uplift of the value threshold from £1M to £5M, which is pending confirmation and will be communicated formally in due course.
Sellafield Ltd is intending to procure the Supply of Early Legacy 3m3 Boxes through the Engineering and Technology Solutions Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) (C12362) (Lot 4: Manufactured Solutions Category). The one successful Tenderer will be required to supply and deliver between 20 and 40 Early Legacy 3m3 box assemblies (subject to £5m maximum value threshold). Further details in relation to DPS and how to register have been provided in section Description of the Procurement.
Furthermore, Sellafield Ltd will be holding a webinar event in October to provide the supply chain with further details in relation to this Opportunity and to invite suppliers to submit feedback and/or queries. Alongside general information the webinar will focus on the following areas:
Timescales for both pre-manufacture and manufacturing periods
Manufacturability of the product designs
Contract pricing models
Quality arrangements
Details on how to register your interest and attendance at the webinar can be found in section
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