85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Hampshire County Council is seeking the views of care providers who may be interested in providing care and support services in our Extra Care Housing schemes for older adults. The Council has an ambitious Extra Care Programme and Extra Care schemes are a fundamental and growing component of our service, enabling people with high levels of support needs to live in the community but with care support on site. We currently commission care and support services in 19 Extra Care Housing (ECH) schemes containing over 800 flats. We plan to tender contracts for 18 Extra Care Schemes and 2 new schemes over the next 2 years. Our aim is that Extra Care schemes will increasingly be able to accommodate people with more complex care needs, including those with sensory or cognitive impairments, reducing the need for them to transition to residential or nursing care at a later stage. We also want to explore different models of care delivery that will both support our prevention agenda and can evolve to meet the changing needs of people living in schemes. This prior information notice is to signal an intention to engage with the market using a questionnaire. Responses will be used to support the development of the service specification and to inform our approach to tendering the future Extra Care Housing contracts. Interested parties can view and submit the questionnaire via the County Council's e-tendering portal In-Tend: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hampshire/. The questionnaire must be submitted via In-Tend correspondence by no later than 12pm (midday) on the 17th December 2021.
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