Community Elective Services in Oldham

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Community Elective Services in Oldham

NHS Oldham CCG is inviting expressions of interest from suitably experienced and capable providers, to provide Community Elective Services to patients registered with an Oldham GP Practice. Specifically, these services include Cardiology; Gynaecology / Ring Pessary; Continence and Stoma; Urology. These services will support people to remain well at home and in community settings close to home, supporting people to live independently. Services will become operational from July 2022. The future contract(s) is/are likely to have a duration of 5 years, with potential to be extended for up to a further 3 years - up to 8 years overall being possible. The modelled value of the intended contract(s) is/are circa £3.5m per year to meet the needs of Oldham's population, with an overall contract value across 8 years potentially being £28m. Additionally, the CCG is considering reserving a right to expand the scope and value of the contract(s) when established, so that other localities and NHS Trusts can also access the capacity to be offered through the services, as may be assessed as required by the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System. This has the potential to double the overall potential contract life value, i.e. up to £56m. Interested providers should note that the CCG is reviewing what suitable NHS premises may become available to offer to the service provider(s), but also that providers will be free to identify their own premises, which will need to be appropriately accessible to Oldham patients. A competitive procurement is being assumed (subject to market interest and capability), which is currently scheduled to commence in January 2022 to enable a contract to be awarded by April 2022. Service commencement is anticipated by July 2022. The procurement plans to award up to 4 separate contracts, one for each of the above lots/specialties. Providers may express an interest to provide one, more or all of the services. ***TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST and to COMMENCE ENGAGEMENT with the CCG, you are invited to access the Memorandum of Information (MOI) and Draft Outline Service Specifications, and then to COMPLETE a Market Engagement Questionnaire (MEQ) and return this ASAP by 12noon, Friday 10th December 2021. Please return your completed MEQ via the messaging facility of the e-procurement system "EU-Supply" which is available at
*Note: If not already registered with EU-Supply, you will need to register FREE of charge. This will be the main portal to be used to communicate with interested providers, and through which the procurement process will be managed. If you need technical support on the EU-Supply Portal, please contact the EU-Supply Helpdesk on 0800 840 2050 or Once logged into EU-Supply, search for Tender ID 47225 - "Oldham Comm Elective ME Nov21 - Oldham Market Engagement re Community Elective Services Nov 2021".

NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group
Date Published
85100000: Health services
£56.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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