45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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This is a Prior Information Notice to provide awareness of an upcoming framework tender for MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) Works and Lift Installation Replacement Framework Contract. The full scope of this framework will be defined following engagement with clients and interested parties as part of ACC's market engagement, including an event in person in Aberdeen City anticipated to be taking place around the 20th September 2024 (to be confirmed). The initial proposed lots under these workstreams have been listed in this notice, however these will be refined and finalised following the pre-tender engagement process so may change and be different when the contract notice is released in due course. ACC will be carrying out a series of pre-tender engagement events in person. This framework will allow for works to be carried out in residential and potentially non-residential buildings comprising the various packages below. Lot 1 Services (MEP) Workstream 1 - Mechanical Installations including space heating, domestic water services, and mechanical ventilation. Workstream 2 - Electrical Installations including electrical distribution, small power, lighting, electric heating systems, telecommunication systems, fire alarm detection and alarm systems, door entry/ access systems. Workstream 3 - Utilities Workstream 4 - Multi tenanted properties Workstream 5 - Renewable energy systems Workstream 6 - Planned maintenance Lot 2 Lift Installations (replacements) Lift Installation Low Rise & High Rise
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