45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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Splashpoint is a Leisure Centre in Worthing, West Sussex which provides Swimming Pools, Gym and Fitness facilities. The HVAC systems serving the building incorporate 119 (tbc) fire dampers of both actuated and fusible link type, a significant number of which require refurbishment or replacement. Contractor’s are sought to carry out this work which will require works to the effected dampers and their controls involving maintenance works to dampers, replacement of dampers, making good of fire barriers, certification of completed dampers installation and related fire barrier compliance in line with the building’s fire strategy requirements. To provide a fully certified installation the Contractor is required to hold appropriate memberships, or their supply chain for delivering the project shall include companies holding such, of installer certification schemes such as FIRAS, LFCB, NSI, BAFE, FPA, IFC or BM TRADA. Other appropriate installer schemes will be considered and a combination of these will be required to provide a fully certified installation. To be considered for this opportunity contractors should express an interest no later than the 24th of September 2024. Contractors should return their expression of interest to the email address; procurement@adur-worthing.gov.uk the email should include the details of at least 2 examples of similar recently completed projects with reference details which may be visited and contacted by the authority to verify.
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