90721000: Environmental safety services
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice (PIN), without call for competition, is to alert the market and interested Suppliers to a Contract Opportunity and to seek engagement in relation to the Environmental & Conventional Health & Safety Services Contract Opportunity which will consist of 7 Lots stated below.
Lot 1: Environmental Assessment, Development and application of modelling codes and numerical analysis
Lot 2: Monitoring and Characterisation
Lot 3: Regulatory compliance and improvement
Lot 4: Sustainability & Carbon Management
Lot 5: Chemical Identification, DSEAR Assessments and provision of asbestos co-ordinates scope
It is envisaged that the Framework Agreement will be for a duration of 5+2+2 (9 years)
As a result of this PIN and as part of the Market Engagement activity, Sellafield Ltd is seeking to obtain feedback on the proposed lotting structure which has been shared via the Atamis e-procurement portal, as referred to in II.2.14.1 Additional Information.
Please note that the proposed date of publication of the Contract Notice is 21st October 2024 which is an indicative date and may be subject to change.
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