80320000: Medical education services
Detailed information about the contract
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The new assessment software will replace our existing systems and aim to implement a new overall solution. It will facilitate the delivery of written exams and Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) for the PLAB exam, Medical Licencing Assessment (MLA), Tests of Competence and Revalidation assessment. Our primary exam formats are Single Best Answer (SBA) papers (paper and electronic) as well as clinical OSCE’s utilising borderline regression and electronic marking. We are investigating the market for software that will meet the GMC diverse requirements to support this work. Specific requirements are included in the attached appendix, and we are keen to understand the overall solutions that can be provided. The proposed supplier dates are 2nd and 3rd December 2021, which will be conducted virtually via MS Teams. Contact – GMC Procurement Team, email gmctenders@gmc-uk.org to book a slot or if you have any questions regarding the virtual sessions.
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