Substance Use Treatment Services

85300000: Social work and related services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Substance Use Treatment Services

Open future opportunity - This means that the buyer is not yet ready to invite bid applications, but early notification has been provided and some dialogue may be possible. Local Authorities are responsible for commissioning substance use treatment services as part of their public health responsibilities. Bristol City Council (BCC) commissions a range of inpatient and community substance use early engagement, treatment, and support services, currently provided by Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service (ROADS) and targeted youth service. Bristol City Council substance use services are primarily funded through the Public Health grant, and we are grateful to have also secured additional funding from the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery grant, which enables us to implement a wide array of interventions in alignment with our local drug strategy. However, there are significant challenges locally and nationally due to the cost of living and operating crisis that shows little sign of ending soon. These difficulties are in the context of unprecedented levels of inflation and the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, an immense strain has been placed on all services, including many aligned services that support our clients to achieve stability and embark on their journey to recovery. Our vision is to recommission a specialist alcohol and other drug early intervention, treatment and recovery system for children, young people, adults which is person centred, preventative, inclusive, innovative, and aspirational. Our current services have been in place since 2018 and are expected to be replaced by newly commissioned services in March 2025. Estimated contract term: 5 years plus 2 years, plus 2 years. Estimated annual contract value (including extensions): £7,000,000 excl. of VAT. For avoidance of doubt this is not a call for competition, the purpose is to advise the market on the forthcoming Bristol City Council procurement. When the formal procurement process commences any supplier may join the competition and all supplier bids will be evaluated on the same basis. The opportunity will be advertised on ProContract, suppliers should also register on Bristol City Council e-procurement portal if you have not already done so. This can be done by going to Supplier registration

Bristol City Council
Date Published
85300000: Social work and related services
£6.3M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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