AFBI Commercialisation of AFBI-bred Forage Grass Varieties

79900000: Miscellaneous business and business-related services

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Detailed information about the contract

ID 3561362
AFBI Commercialisation of AFBI-bred Forage Grass Varieties

The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) is Northern Ireland's largest science and technology organisation and an internationally renowned multidisciplinary scientific organisation, based at seven locations across Northern Ireland. The Institute undertakes an assigned work programme on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) that comprises statutory, analytical, and diagnostic/surveillance testing, together with research & development (R&D) and the provision of specialist advice in the fields of agriculture, animal health and welfare, plant science, food safety and innovation, marine and fisheries, the natural environment and agri-food and rural economics. AFBI also delivers a portfolio of "commercial" work to a wide range of local, national and international customers in these areas. AFBI collaborates closely with DAERA's College of Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) and the industry levy body, AgriSearch, in transferring knowledge and technology to the local agri-food industry. A significant proportion of AFBI's non-DAERA income is derived from international customers, representing the equivalent of foreign direct investment in the local economy. This funding underpins a number of high quality scientific posts in AFBI and helps to maintain scientific capacity and excellence. The AFBI grass breeding programme, based in Loughgall, Northern Ireland, produces locally-adapted ryegrass varieties for a range of forage grass markets, but primarily for the UK/ROI markets. The programme, which has been in place since 1952, has a long history, and a strong reputation in the marketplace. The AFBI programme has been extremely successful. As of 2019, there are 19 different AFBI-bred ryegrass varieties on the Irish and UK recommended lists. There are also a number of varieties on recommended lists in other European countries. The average annual number of AFBI varieties that have been accepted onto Recommended Lists over the past 10 years is 2.6, demonstrating the consistent performance of new AFBI varieties. The AFBI forage grass breeding programme is split into two programmes: the strategic programme and the commercialisation programme. The early stage strategic programme is funded by DAERA, and produces germplasm for incorporation into new synthetics. The commercialisation programme tests near-market stage synthetics prior to national list testing and subsequent commercialisation. AFBI requires a commercialisation partner in order for seed from AFBI-bred varieties to reach target markets.

DAERA Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
Date Published
79900000: Miscellaneous business and business-related services
Procurement Method
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Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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