33125000: Urology, exploration devices
Detailed information about the contract
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Acting on behalf of Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL), a Management Function of NHS Supply Chain, the Collaborative Procurement Partnership LLP (CPP) is seeking expressions of interest from suppliers who have the capability and interest in supplying products designed to inhibit bacterial attachment/biofilm formation on the catheter surface to reduce risk of infection within the urinary tract. Products will need to be: • capable of being attached to a urinary catheter; • non-sterile; • portable; • re-usable for a single patient; • have a smooth surface without any small cavities or areas which could not be cleaned as part of personal care. Products will also need to be CE marked and will have a medical device classification MDR lla. Any supplier interested in supplying such products should express their interest using the Jaggaer e-tendering portal by 12 noon on Friday 14 January 2022. Included in the expression of interest should be a summary of the product(s) proposed and/or details of any products currently being developed including a timetable of when such products will be available too NHS Supply Chain. A product template is included in the Jaggaer e-tendering portal for completion and return using the portal. It is anticipated that any interested suppliers will be invited to meet with representatives of CPP during week commencing Monday 17th January 2022. Suppliers may be requested to provide further information prior to then. All suppliers should be aware that no decision has been taken to undertake a procurement for such devices and at this stage the prior information notice has been issued for intelligence gathering purposes only. The link for the Jaggaer e-tendering portal is https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com/web/login.html
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