90500000: Refuse and waste related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Introduction The Council are in the process of developing its re-procurement strategy relating to it’s contract for Waste & Recycling Collections, Street Cleansing and Ancillary Services, including winter gritting services, (“the Services”). As part of this soft market testing exercise, the Council are seeking to identify the availability of suitable depot land/premises available in the Greater London area for the Services. This will involve the collection of approximately 180,000 tonnes of waste and recycling, street cleansing services. The Council require an organisation capable of operating 24/7 and assisting the Council to comply with its duty to maintain the highway during snow/ice events. The Council is keen to understand how competitive the market is for the Service when it re-tenders and would like to invite participants to share whether they would be capable of meeting the following requirements of: • Vehicle Parking and Fuelling/Charging for 80-90 HGV’s (approx. 8,000sq.m); • 1500 tonne Salt Barn • Vehicles and equipment maintenance/washing, welfare etc. (approx. 4,000sq.m) The Council will need to ensure that it complies with Procurement Regulations to deliver these services and to secure the best commercial arrangement with a high-quality service provider.
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