79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
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The Mayor's Academies Programme (MAP) was launched in August 2021 as part of the London Recovery Programme, in support of the Good Work for All Londoners mission. It is as a three-year programme aimed at improving training provision and coordination in five priority sectors for London: digital; creative industries, green economy, hospitality, health and social care. In doing so, it aims to support Londoners to gain industry relevant skills and move into good work in those sectors, particularly those disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Building on the learning from the current Mayor’s Construction Academy (MCA) Quality Mark, the Academies Quality Mark will be an annual accreditation awarded to training providers in London who offer high-quality industry-relevant training provision in five priority sectors: creative industries, green economy, hospitality, health and social care. Construction will be added a sixth additional sector to include the MCA Quality Mark. The key objectives of the Academies Quality Mark are to support the Further Education (FE) sector to deliver industry-relevant provision and to: • incentivise accessible, industry-relevant provision that gets Londoners into jobs • raise the profile of good provision to employers and Londoners looking for good work, and • provide a network of FE providers with specialisms to deliver industry-related provision The accreditation process for the MCA Quality Mark was previously carried out in-house. The GLA now wishes to engage an external supplier who can support the delivery of the Academies Quality Mark process. Service Requirements The GLA wishes to engage a supplier who can undertake the following activities to support the Academies Quality Mark process:
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