79212000: Auditing services
Detailed information about the contract
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The university are looking to complete a full space audit, it has been recommended that we seek third party support who specialise in audits of this scale. They would be brought in to provide coverage of all of our General and Specialist Teaching provision as well as the office space within Main Campus. The Space & Property team will manage the parameters, frequency, oversight and interpretation of the audit datasets in collaboration with the elected third party support. We also believe that the output delivery from third party support will also yield added benefits in their report delivery, offering potentially inspiring modernised ways by which we can report on future audits. Our office audit will also have to consist of some additional data gathering as at present we do not retain desk numbers within each of our office spaces. It is also our recommendation that the Space & Property team gather this data prior to the audit to keep any 3rd party costs to a minimum.
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