85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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The NHS SEL ICB is seeking expressions of interest for the delivery of the Wellbeing Hub resource in the London Borough of Southwark. The Service shall be available to residents of the London Borough of Southwark aged 18 years and above who are registered with a Southwark GP, and for their carers. The Wellbeing Hub will provide a simple point of information, advice and access to services that support the mental health and wellbeing of Southwark residents and their families, carers and supporters. The Hub will be a key resource for local people to access a range of services and to make them aware of the options available to them to meet their needs and achieve positive outcomes. To fulfil this purpose the Hub will ensure that individuals are enabled to access a personalised range of opportunities to aid recovery from mental illness and stay well by preventative approaches that promote mental wellbeing including self-care. It will also enable service users to access voluntary and community sector resources to reduce escalation of need and prevent their mental health and wellbeing from deteriorating. The Hub’s provision will reduce health inequalities with a special focus on disadvantaged population groups. This will be achieved by engaging with them in the co-production and delivery of services that meet needs that they identify as valid. In addition services will be sensitive to cultural norms and take account of the socio-economic factors (wider determinants of health) impacting on their psychological wellbeing. The core functional expectations of the service are information and advice; assessment and signposting/referral; promotion of mental health and wellbeing through group and 1:1 interventions including outreach. The Wellbeing Hub programme will focus on delivering these core functional expectations through flexible provision that addresses anything that impacts on people’s mental health and wellbeing The Wellbeing Hub will hold and maintain a directory of services, therefore providing a space for people to access information, advice and support to enable them to maintain and improve their mental health and wellbeing, promoting independence and staying well. A model focusing on peer support and experts by experience will be adopted in the Hub’s service provision and delivery. The Hub will facilitate the development of peer support sessions and self-directed support networks to increase social inclusion. Service users and/or volunteers with lived experience will be supported to set up and run these groups The Hub will provide a blended model of provision (face-to-face/online/telephone) whichever best suits the needs of individuals accessing its services The Hub will also provide out-reach services through ‘pop up’ sessions in community settings to serve the needs of Southwark’s diverse populations, taking service provision out into the community from the Hub’s main base working with VCSE partners to reach out to communities. In addition the Hub will provide flexible one-to-one support to individuals within the community, by meetings in community settings like libraries, coffee shops or other suitable locations, and visits to service users in their own homes. The Wellbeing Hub ‘pop up’ sessions and home visiting will support equality of access for residents as well as engage a range of stakeholders in providing outreach services in a range settings across the borough (shopping centres, leisure centres, VCSE organisations. Outreach services must be in response to need and to support achieving the best outcomes possible for service users Finally the Hub will develop and facilitate a Service User Reference Group to enable a ‘service user voice’ in health and social care, to support service user engagement in planning, development and improvement of services
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