85000000: Health and social work services
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Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System partners are seeking expressions of interest for the provision of a Primary Care Stream at each of its Emergency Departments: • Birmingham Heartlands Hospital • Good Hope Hospital • Queen Elisabeth Hospital • Birmingham Childrens Hospital The invitation to tender will be divided into 4 lots and providers can tender for one or more or all lots. A significant proportion of self-attending patients present to the Emergency Departments (EDs) with conditions that are able to be managed within primary care. Whilst measures are in place to re-direct many of these patients back into community-based primary care are in action, there is always likely to be the need for the provision of a primary care service which streams patients away from the EDs The successful provider(s) will: • see patients after initial nurse navigation into the primary care stream, working alongside the ED team to see the right patient, in the right place, first time; • see any patients that present with symptoms that are more appropriately managed in primary care • review patients across the full age spectrum relevant to the ED. • ensure that patients are assessed, treated and discharged within 2 hours of arrival within the primary care stream • refer patients to any receiving specialty as per standard primary care processes. • promote patient behaviour change by encouraging patients not to use the ED for symptoms that can be better managed within Primary Care The staffing model of the successful provider can consist of a combination of Doctors, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Emergency Nurse Practitioners There is a need to deliver 7 day provision at each ED. The Service specification for each ED Primary Care stream will set out the patient pathway, operating times and the number of patients to be seen in any one day
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