Procurement of AMIDS Private Sector Partner

70332200: Commercial property management services

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Procurement of AMIDS Private Sector Partner

The establishment of the Advanced Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) is being delivered as a consequence of the catalyst provided by the City Deal Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) project. GAIA provides the enabling infrastructure for the development of AMIDS as a significant employment district in Renfrewshire. GAIA comprises: the realignment of Abbotsinch Road between Arran Avenue and Greenock Road / Inchinnan Road and a new road bridge across the White Cart, complete with new service media for the proposed development. The infrastructure also improves facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as improving connections between the Westway, Inchinnan and Airport Business Parks. The council appointed a contractor, in June 2019 to undertake these enabling works which are now well progressed, and due to be completed in early 2022. The delivery of AMIDS is now at a critical stage, between infrastructure delivery and securing the investment which will bring the employment, skills development and economic growth which are the primary aims of Renfrewshire Council. The importance of AMIDS is recognised within the Renfrewshire Economic Strategy 2020-2030 where AMIDS is noted as a key component. The Renfrewshire Economic Recovery Plan, compiled with the Renfrewshire Economic Leadership Panel, and endorsed by Council in December 2020, has AMIDS, and the skills and employers who will locate there, at its core. With the challenges that Covid_19 has created within our communities and businesses, AMIDS provides a unique opportunity to aid Renfrewshire’s swift and inclusive recovery. Significant work has been undertaken to realise the ambition of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS). This has involved working closely with, local and national stakeholders and partners including Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise. This collaboration has resulted in both the new National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) and the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (UK) (MMIC) being located at AMIDS. Construction of both NMIS and MMIC commenced on site in 2020, with both facilities aiming to be operational during 2022. Renfrewshire Council have also developed a high-quality public realm design for AMIDS including an important central square, Netherton Square, which will be the arrival and focal point of the AMIDS site. A procurement process is now underway with plans that a contractor be appointed in early 2022 to deliver the Netherton Square project, which focusses on the area immediately adjacent to both the NMIS and MMIC facilities. Construction is also underway for an innovative fifth generation district heating network for the AMIDS site, the first of its kind in Scotland. This will enhance the sustainable credentials of AMIDS in line with the Council’s ambition for carbon reduction and long-term sustainability and provide an additional attraction for employers we would wish to locate at AMIDS. The innovation eco-system that is being created at AMIDS has also resulted in the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre (LMC) and a research and development initiative by Boeing, locating at Westway. It is estimated that circa 185m GBP of investment has already been made so far at AMIDS, with more to come. To ensure the progressive and effective delivery of AMIDS, Renfrewshire Council are now working with specialist commercial property and legal advisers to scope and attract a development partner, who will continue to drive the investment and delivery of the AMIDS site for future occupiers.

Renfrewshire Council
Date Published
70332200: Commercial property management services
£150.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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