98330000: Physical well-being services
Detailed information about the contract
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London Borough of Newham Leisure Management Procurement
A Meet the Buyer's Webinar event has been scheduled for the Council's leisure management contract. The Council would like to share the upcoming plans for the leisure management contract procurement with providers. It is intended the service will be procured in 2022 with a contract start date of 1st January 2023. This is not an invitation to tender.
Newham Council has a contract with activeNewham for the management of its leisure centres which expires on 31st December 2022. It is looking to procure a leisure management contract which will incorporate delivery of active communities (including sports development) services which will commence on 1st January 2023.
The leisure facilities within the contract will include:
• Newham Leisure Centre;
• East Ham Leisure Centre;
• Atherton Leisure Centre;
• A new replacement for Manor Park Fitness Centre (which closed in 2021).
The Council is also working on plans to replace Newham Leisure Centre and to develop a new leisure centre in Canning Town. Although not guaranteed at this stage, if the new facilities are delivered within the contract term, it is anticipated that the Council's leisure management operator will become a key part of the project team for these new developments.
The Council is seeking more than an operator of leisure facilities. It is looking for its operating partner to ensure that its services impact outside of the walls of the leisure centres and contribute to improving health outcomes for residents, as set out in the London Borough of Newham's 50 Steps to a Healthier Borough. The operating partner will also be required to contribute to key strategic drivers, including Community Wealth Building Strategy and Towards a Better Newham Strategy.
We are inviting individual organisations, partnerships or consortia to attend this Meet the Buyer's Event. Service Commissioners will provide a webinar to update the market about the strategic vision and invite organisations to take part in a Market Test exercise. Details of organisations attending the Events will be shared with everyone attending as well as published with Invitation to Tender documents (unless organisations opt not to share their details). This is to allow organisations an opportunity to network and/or form partnerships in order to provide the required associated services. Organisations will also be given the opportunity to ask commissioners any questions. If organisations have any immediate questions then please contact Carly Clarke via Carly.Clarke@newham.gov.uk and the commissioners can address this at the Event. All questions and answers will be shared with attendees of the Events.
The market Test will inform the Service Specification, key outcomes and contract terms as well as the procurement process.
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