45235000: Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces
Detailed information about the contract
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This notice is published to advertise a pre-procurement engagement being conducted by Newcastle International Airport Limited ('NIAL') NIAL is seeking expressions of interest and feedback from interested parties in respect of a forthcoming procurement process for Runway Rehabilitation Works. This notice has been prepared by NIAL to give an overview of the Runway Rehabilitation Works procurement and contains details on a pre-procurement engagement session. To register for the pre-procurement engagement event taking place on 25th October 2023 please e-mail NIALAGLProcurement@aecom.com. This pre-procurement exercise is open to all parties who are interested (or may be interested) in tendering for the Runway Rehabilitation Works contract. Please note that invitations to (and information on) future related pre-procurement engagement events or activities may be provided only to those persons who have registered an interest. No further notice of those subsequent pre-procurement events or activities will be given to the wider market. Interested Parties are therefore encouraged to register your details and interest.
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