45000000: Construction work
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Homes England is publishing this information notice in relation to Homestead Link Road (HLR). The development is a significant investment for Homes England, who are working with Rugby Borough Council and partners to accelerate the delivery of homes, employment land and enabling infrastructure on the site. A detailed planning application for the HLR was submitted to Rugby Borough Council in August 2022 and is still being considered by the Council (Application Ref: R22/0928). Further information can be accessed via Home England’s e-Tendering system https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=e233d07d-4468-ee11-8124-005056b64545&fromRfxSummary=True&rfxId=f9bec33a-4168-ee11-8124-005056b64545. Those wishing to download and return a questionnaire for this opportunity should submit their response through our e-Tendering system. Deadline for responses is noon on the 27th October 2023.
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