14410000: Rock salt
Detailed information about the contract
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The Association of North East Councils Trading as the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) is seeking to establish a multi-supplier, multi-lot Framework Agreement for the provision of Rock Salt for use by contracting authorities throughout the United Kingdom. The purpose of the prior information notice (PIN) is to provide advance notice to the marketplace of the tendering opportunity and intentions of NEPO to hold market consultation activities with suppliers to help shape the future Framework Agreement. NEPO are not advertising this PIN as a mechanism to reduce future procurement timescales. NEPO intends to publish a soft market testing questionnaire via the Open eTendering system. The questionnaire will be used to assess interest in the tendering opportunity and to gain information and insight from the market to help shape the future NEPO203 Framework Agreement design. The soft market testing questionnaire will be made accessible via the Open eTendering system on 12/10/2023 with a submission deadline of 4 p.m. on 20/10/2023. Suppliers wishing to access and complete the soft market testing questionnaire must first register on the eTendering system using the following link https://www.open-uk.org. Guidance for how to create an account search for opportunities and respond are included on Page 4 to 15 within the Supplier's Hub. If you require further support, please email open.support@nepo.org. In addition, NEPO intends to hold a group market consultation meeting. NEPO intends to hold individual Market Consultation meetings which will be advertised openly via this PIN and will take place on Tuesday 24/10/2023 between 10am and 12pm. Suppliers can express their interest to attend by completion of the Soft Market Testing Questionnaire. NEPO anticipates this virtual meeting session will take place via Microsoft Teams. Suppliers wishing to attend the virtual market consultation meetings should be capable of meeting the requirements under any of the applicable lots. Attendance at market consultation is optional and does not provide suppliers with an advantage in any future related procurement. Attendance also does not constitute as an intention to tender for any future related procurement. Please note the above dates may be subject to change depending on availability and supplier uptake.
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