45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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Home Group is looking to issue a number of contracts to deliver its responsive repairs, voids and planned works across its portfolio of properties in London, the South East and East Anglia. The tender is likely to be advertised in January 2022, with a contract start date of October 25th, 2022. We would like to invite suitably qualified and experienced providers of repairs and maintenance services to a market engagement event to discuss our vision for this new service, hear your views on our proposed model, and outline the likely tender process and timelines. The event will be held via MS Teams on Wednesday, December 15th, 2021, at 1.00pm, ending by 3.30 pm. Organisations interested in attending the event should register interest here or copy this link in to a browser https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/5izHV2KcQ0OJNVgAsfcQrg,kvQHt16CAUm2uQJc3HO0SQ,cRuFMSfOWEKsuNak1Gtl4A,reZyZoLd40Cuon7luO43cg,joAlO370UE-9rRga0EZAtg,ly3oASQKZEKwvMijQ8zMBg?mode=read&tenantId=57c72ce6-9c62-4343-8935-5800b1f710ae and confirm their attendance, by 12.00 noon on Monday, December 13th, 2021. Please ensure all attendee email addresses are included in the email. For any issues with registration please email sarah.roberts@homegroup.org.uk All information pertaining to this PIN is published on the housing procurement portal www.housingprocurement.com DN585784 Providers must register on the Housing Procurement Portal to ensure they receive updates and information pertaining to this PIN. This notice is not a call for competition. Home Group and/or any of its advisers reserve the right to contact any interested parties who notify Home Group of its interest.
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