72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
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***PRE MARKET ENGAGEMENT EXCERCISE *** ID 4400448 - DoF - OpenDataNI - Hosting and Support - PME. The Department of Finance wishes to establish a contract with a Supplier to provide an online web portal to host, maintain and update datasets. The current contract is due to expire in 15/09/2023.The 1st Northern Ireland Open Data Strategy set out how the NICS aimed to build capacity for open data in Northern Ireland and develop an open data ecosystem with public sector bodies being pro-active in publishing their data. Following a strategy review process (that included running an online consultation exercise and facilitating face-to-face stakeholder workshops), a revised Open Data Strategy for Northern Ireland 2020-2023 has been developed. Key to supporting the delivery of the new Open Data Strategy and its ambitious implementation plan is the continual availability of the OpenDataNI portal. The ODNI portal has become established as the public face of the Northern Ireland public sectors approach to open government and open data. Please see the Pre-Market Engagement exercise document (inc. questionnaire) for all relevant details. The objectives of this exercise are to: • gain initial supplier awareness, engagement and opinion, • provide confidence around viability of concept; • gain insight to the market possibilities and potential innovative solutions; • understand risks and issues not previously considered; • inform the Procurement Strategy; and • prevent the Department from advertising an unachievable project PLEASE NOTE: THE DEADLINE FOR REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION IS 3PM ON MONDAY 7 NOVEMBER 2022. ALL COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRES MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE MESSAGING FUNCTION on eTendersNI (under reference ID 4400448), BEFORE 3PM ON FRIDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2022.
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