Entry Graduate Scheme Market Engagement

80000000: Education and training services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Entry Graduate Scheme Market Engagement

The immediate aim of this scheme is to recruit cohorts annually of between 80-120 talented graduates into Prison Officer roles in HMPPS, this will initially be for a minimum of three cohorts. Learners will be given additional training and development in the form of a bespoke Master’s level qualification that enables them to bring about positive change at the front line. The long-term aim is for the graduates of this scheme to remain within the organisation and continue to progress their career within HMPPS and the wider MoJ. The Authority is looking for a Supplier who is able to recruit suitable candidates to enrol to the scheme, deliver the Master’s qualification, deliver Prison Officer Entry Level Training (POELT) (in conjunction with the authority who will provide trainers and learning materials) and provide support to the graduates throughout the two-year scheme. The supplier will build a sense of belonging to HMPPS and develop a retention strategy to retain graduates within HMPPS and the MoJ upon completion of the scheme. The Supplier will be responsible for the design and delivery of the Master’s level qualification, but this may be subcontracted through other partnerships. The Supplier must design a marketing and recruitment process which attracts a diverse range of highly talented graduates within HMPPS. The recruitment cycle must begin in September 2022 with the first cohort of graduates starting the scheme in September 2023. This will be a two-year scheme during which graduates must complete the POELT within the first 2 months, and then proceed to completing the bespoke Applied Master’s that allows academic learning to be put into practise whilst working full time as a Prison Officer. The Supplier must create an innovative and engaging training programme which incorporates the required elements of the POELT seamlessly. Having completed POELT, graduates will be placed into a prison and then conduct a series of placements in different departments within that prison. The Supplier must build relationships with the host prisons in order to manage these moves. For the final three to six months of the scheme graduates will experience a broader range of placements or conduct a project. This final three to six-month period should help them to achieve the next step in their career upon graduation from the scheme. This will be an intensive development scheme. The Supplier must create a wraparound support system for graduates to ensure they are supported in all elements of the scheme, both academic and operational.
There is a current contract in place and is due to expire in November 2024 with the final cohort beginning in September 2022. The new contract will continue to bring external talent into the organisation through graduate recruitment with a focus on relevant strategic objectives such as increased retention. There is a new fast-track scheme named Justice Leaders which is also being introduced across HMPPS. The first cohort of this scheme will begin in September 2022 and will recruit three cohorts in total, meaning that it will be running at the same time as the new Entry Graduate Scheme. Justice Leaders are recruiting from a different demographic. Their marketing is targeted not at fresh graduates, but those who have a few years work experience post-graduation. The Entry Graduate Scheme and Justice Leaders are very different in structure and are intended to complement one another. Justice Leaders will recruit a small cohort of up to 22 learners, who will be fast-tracked into senior leadership positions across prisons, probation and Youth Custody Service. Because of the pan-HMPPS nature of the scheme and the smaller cohort size, there is expected to be little competition for placements between the two schemes. The Supplier must engage with the Justice Leaders team to eliminate confusion between the two schemes in the graduate market.

Ministry of Justice
Date Published
80000000: Education and training services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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